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 廖苏苏 发布于:2014-3-12 17:56:12 已有1921人阅读



1986年毕业于原北京医科大学公共卫生学院, 医学学士;随后被推荐进入中国协和医科大学(现北京协和医学院)研究生院,师从我国著名流行病学家何观清教授,1991年获医学博士 (流行病学专业)。1993年、1996年短期在美国加州大学旧金山分校艾滋病预防研究中心进修;2001-2002年由国家留学基金“重点高校系主任/实验室骨干研修项目”选派,到美国加州大学伯克利分校公共卫生学院流行病学系做博士后,进修流行病学理论课程并考察公共卫生教育。


从1991年起一直参与性病艾滋病预防有关的行为和干预研究,近年主要研究兴趣在基层社区艾滋病性病和生育健康问题综合预防干预,特别是高危性行为妇女的综合干预研究,包括对由妇女自主使用的预防方法(Women-initiated prevention)的研究。她还致力于推动在我国采用多学科的方法研究医学和健康问题。近年来,研究兴趣还扩展到社区为基础的慢性病预防研究。

她担任过国际组织资助的数个大型国家性病艾滋病以及其他卫生项目(例如世界银行资助卫生VI妇幼卫生项目)的专家顾问或培训教员。1996年起,四次担任世界艾滋病大会科学委员会成员。也多次被联合国有关组织如世界卫生组织和联合国艾滋病署聘等请担任临时顾问。此外,也为其它一些国际政府或者非政府组织艾滋病性病预防项目提供专家咨询。她1998年-2010年担任国家艾滋病专家委员会成员,目前被聘做中国疾病预防控制中心艾滋病预防专家、中国性病艾滋病防治协会常务理事,中华预防医学会理事等。她是“中国艾滋病性病杂志”编委,“中华流行病学杂志”通讯编委;还为一些英文杂志(例如,AIDS and Behavior;AIDS Care; Biomedical and Environmental Sciences等)担任审稿人。









Reforming Public Health Education of Peking Union Medical College (PUMC) in an Era of Chronic Diseases:  Building Multi-level Partnership Networks of PUMC & DQPAB

美国中华医学基金会(China Medical Board, CMB) 项目号:10-026




Expanded Testing, Linkage and Treatment for HIV Prevention among MSM, in China




Sten Vermund, Vanderbilt University Medical Center












2012年1月 -2014年12月






















High-risk Establishments and Women’s HIV Prevention in Southern China

美国国立精神卫生研究院(NIMH) 项目号R01 MH077541





联合国中国社会性别基金(China Gender Facility)项目号00040647-070315-R3-217,











1.       廖苏苏、聂黎、李江虹、何滨、周月娇、张庆宁、王艳红、李飞、Weeks MR. 将女用安全套纳入性服务场所妇女行为干预一年效果,中国艾滋病性病,2014, 20 (1): 17-21

2.         Nie L. Liao, S.S., Weeks, M.R. Wang, Y Jiang J. Zhang Q Zhou, Y He, B., Li, J., & Dunn, J. Promoting Female Condoms in the Sex Industry in Four Towns of Southern China: Context Matters, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 2013, Mar 40(3): 264-70  (Liao, correspondence author)

3.         周月姣、聂黎、廖苏苏,女性性工作者对女用安全套的接受性研究进展,中国艾滋病性病,2013年,19(4):314318 (廖苏苏,通讯作者)

4.         Wang, Y , Liao, S.S., Jiang J. Weeks, M.R. Nie L. Li, J., He, B Zhou, Y. Li F. Dunn, J. &Zhang Q. Who are the Preferential Targets for Intervention Programs Related to the Female Condom among Sex Workers in Southern China?  AIDS Educ Prev. 2013 Aug;25(4):349-61. doi: 10.1521/aeap.2013.25.4.349. PMID: 23837812 (Liao, correspondence author)

5.         王艳红,杨萍,徐薇薇,廖巍,潘慧,廖苏苏.临床医学生社区早接触实践课程的现状调查,基础医学与临床,2013年7月,33(7):931-934,(廖苏苏,通讯作者)

6.         廖苏苏、张庆宁,厚磊,也谈“人群”是流行病学认识疾病现象的视角,中华流行病学杂志,2012,33(10):1083-1085 (廖苏苏,通讯作者)

7.         曹远,王瑜、何启亚,冯维平,吉金花,廖苏苏,海南省乡镇地区校外青年婚前性行为及其与流动经历关系的研究,中华流行病学杂志,2011,32(11):1095-1100 (廖苏苏,通讯作者)

8.         Liao, S.S., Weeks, M.R., Wang, Y., Nie, L., Li, F., Zhou, Y., Zeng, X., Jiang, J., He, B., Li, J., Dunn, J. & Zhang, Q. Inclusion of the female condom in a male condom-only intervention in the sex industry in China: A cross-sectional analysis of pre- and post-intervention surveys in three study sites. Public Health. 125: 283-292. 2011, PMID: 3112295

9.         Liao, S.S., Weeks, M.R., Wang, Y., Li, F., Jiang, J., Li, J., Zeng, X., He, B., & Dunn, J. Female Condom Use in the Rural Sex Industry in China: Analysis of Users and Non-users at Post-Intervention Surveys. AIDS Care, 2011, 23(S1): 66-74.

10.     Weeks, M.R., Liao, S.S., Li, F., Li, J., Dunn, J., He, B., He, Q., Feng, W., & Wang, Y. Challenges, strategies and lessons learned from a participatory community intervention study to promote female condoms among rural sex workers in southern China. AIDS Education and Prevention, 2010, 22 (3): 253-272. PMID: 20528132

11.     Liao Wei, Jiang JM, Yang B, Zeng X. Liao Su-su. A life-skills-based HIV/AIDS Prevention Education for Rural Students of Primary Schools in China: What changed? What have we learned?. Bio-medical & Environmental Sciences, 2010, 23: 409-419. (Correspondence author, Liao Su-su)

12.     廖苏苏,李飞:南方某镇性服务产业十年变迁,黄盈盈,潘绥铭主编《中国性研究》丛书2009 第三辑(总第30辑),196-207页,台湾高雄,万有出版社,2009

13.     廖苏苏、张孔来:复杂的健康问题需要复杂的干预和评估(评论),英国医学杂志中文版,2009年2月,12(1):48

14.     廖巍、曾欣、杨斌、廖苏苏:海南省7所中学初一学生艾滋病知识和生活技能调查,中国学校卫生,2009,30(1):3-5 (廖苏苏通讯作者)

15.     曹远、王瑜、周月姣、何滨、刘伟、廖苏苏:小城镇不同婚姻状况性服务妇女人工流产状况及其影响因素,预防医学情报杂志,2008,24(7):501-505 (廖苏苏通讯作者)

16.     Wang Yu, Liao S. Weeks MR et al. Acceptability of hypothetical microbicides among women in sex establishments in rural areas of southern China, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, 2008,35 (1):102-110 (廖苏苏通讯作者)

17.     Zhang Kong-lai, Roger Detals, Liao Su-su, Myron Cohen & Yu Dong-bao. HIV/AIDS in China: Continuing Challenging. Lancet, Published Online October 20, 2008, DOI:10.1016/S0140-6736(08)61357-4

18.     王瑜、姜晶梅、周月娇、何滨、刘伟、廖苏苏:中国南方三个乡镇性服务妇女杀微生物剂可接受性研究,中国艾滋病性病, 2008, 14(3):254-257(廖苏苏通讯作者)

19.     王瑜,廖苏苏,刘帅东,陈虹霓、孙绍先、孙海兰、吉金花:海南两个黎族社区男女村民性和生育观念研究,海南大学学报人文社会科学版, 2008, 26(2):125-130

20.     张孔来,Roger Detals, 廖苏苏,Myron Cohen, 余东保:艾滋病在中国的流行:挑战在继续,在韩启德等主编,21世纪中国与全球健康—柳叶刀专辑中文版,北京大学医学出版社, P56-57

21.     M.R. Weeks, M. Abbott, S. Liao,et al. Opportunities for Women-initiated HIV Prevention Methods among Female Sex Workers in Southern China. J. of Sex Research,  2007, 44 (2):190-201.

22.     Liao et.al. Working to prevent HIV/STIs among women in the sex industry in a rural town of Hainan, China. 2006, AIDS & Behavior. 10(S35-S45)

23.     廖苏苏、何启亚、刘伟等:海南广西小城镇诊所生殖道感染就诊者的感染危险因素以及临床意义,中国艾滋病性病,11卷(2):116-120

24.     廖苏苏、刘伟、何启亚等:海南和广西小城镇诊所性病病征处理培训方法和评估结果,中国艾滋病性病,11卷(3):192-194

25.     廖苏苏、何启亚、刘伟等:小城镇诊所性病病征处理的应用,中国艾滋病性病,11卷(5):366-370

26.     Dongyan Xia, Su-su Liao et al. Self-reported symptoms of reproductive tract infections among rural women in Hainan, China: Prevalence rates and risk factors. 2004,31(11):643-649. (Liao is the Correspondence author)

27.     Liao S. et al. Sex-related health risks and implications for interventions with Hospitality Women in Hainan, China. AIDS Edu. & Prev. 2003, 15(2): 109-121

28.     廖苏苏等:小城镇卖淫妇女性病艾滋病干预研究--三年以后我们学到了什么? 中国性病艾滋病防治,2001, 7(4): 218-222 (第一部分); 7(5):266-269(第二部分)

29.     S.S Liao et al. Working with Women in Sex Industry in a Rural town of Hainan, China, to Prevent HIV/STIs: Three years later, where are we? (unpublished manuscript)

30.     廖苏苏:艾滋病与咨询 (综述), 基础医学与临床, 2001, 21(1): 1-5.

31.     廖苏苏:艾滋病及其研究进展(一),中国热带医学,2001,1(1):44-46;(二);1(2):142-144

32.     Liao S. HIV in China: Epidemiology and Risk Factors, AIDS, 1998, 12 (suppl.B):S19-S25.

33.     廖苏苏等:我国发生艾滋病毒感染流行的危险因素 (综述), 中华预防医学杂志,1998, 32 (6): 380-382.

34.     Liao. S et al Extremely low awareness of AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases and condoms among Dai ethnic villagers in Yunnan province, China." AIDS, 11 (suppl 1): S27-S34.

35.     Liao et al. "Long-term efficacy of plasma-derived hepatitis B vaccine: a 15-year follow-up study among Chinese children", Vaccine, 1999, 17(20- 21): 2661-2666.

36.     H.Li, RH.Li, S. Liao et al. Long-term efficacy of plasma-derived hepatitis B vaccine among Chinese children: a 12-year follow-up study (Brief report), World J. Gastroenterology,1999, 5(2):165-166.

37.     H. Li, RH. Li, S. Liao et al. Long-Term Persistence Of Immunological Memory For HBsAg After Initial Hepatitis B Vaccine Immunoprophylaxis. Chin Med Sci J, 1999, 14 (Suppl): 17-20

38.     H. Li, RH. Li, S. Liao et al. Long-Term Effectiveness Of Infancy Low-Dose Hepatitis B Vaccine Immunization In Zhuang Minority Area In China. World J. Gastroenterology 1999, 5(2): 122-124.

39.     曾宪嘉,杨功唤,廖苏苏等:中国城乡112个疾病监测点乙型肝炎疫苗免疫接种率、免疫策略及费用调查,中华流行病学杂志,1998,19(5):277-281

40.     H. Li, RH. Li, S. Liao et al. Persistence Of Hepatitis B Vaccine Immune Protection And Response To Hepatitis B Booster Immunization. World J. Gastroenterology. 1998, 4(6):493-496.

41.     廖苏苏等:乙肝血源疫苗婴幼儿人群免疫十二年追踪观察, 中国医学科学院学报, 1998, 20 (2):89-94.

42.     廖苏苏等:影响婴幼儿精神发育的因素及其干预意义,中华预防医学杂志,28(6): 340-343, 1994.

43.     廖苏苏等:儿童保健干预对婴幼儿精神发育的影响, 中国儿童发展, 8(4): 37-39, 1993




1.         中国公共卫生与流行病学一代宗师--- 何观清(主编之一),北京出版社,2011年

2.         唐金陵、Paul Glasziou主编:循证医学基础(全国高等医学院校教材,普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材),2010年,北京大学医学出版社(编委和章节作者

3.         卫生部疾病控制司、医政司:性病艾滋病咨询培训教程(副主编), 2001年,南京,江苏科技出版社

4.         周惠民(审译)、廖苏苏(副审译和章节译者)等:医学的证据—大众流行病学(译著),2000,青岛出版社

5.         卫生部疾病控制司、医政司、全国性病麻风病控制中心、空军电视艺术中心:做一个好的咨询员(国家性病艾滋病咨询培训教材)录象及简明教程(总策划、编剧以及教材主要执笔人)2000年

6.         廖苏苏:南方某镇路边店考察, 见: 潘绥铭著“存在与荒谬—中国地下性产业”附录, 1999, 北京, 群言出版社

7.         教育部体育、卫生、艺术司、卫生部疾病控制司:年轻的朋友,你可知道艾滋病?--青少年预防艾滋病性病读本(作者之一),1999,科学普及出版社

8.         卫生部疾病控制司、医政司:艾滋病抗体检测前后谈话指南(著者之一),1998年,南京,江苏科技出版社

9.         美国妇女自我保健经典—我们的身体,我们自己(译者之一),1998,北京,知识出版社

10.     医学院校的使命及公众的健康--加拿大、英国、美国和澳大利亚的医学教育(译者之一),1997,北京,科学出版社

11.     基础流行病学(译者之一),1996,北京,人民卫生出版社

12.     弥合裂痕:流行病学、医学和公众的卫生(译者之一),1995,北京,科学出版社

13.     国务院研究室课题组:警惕艾滋病 —为了中华民族的生存 (作者之一),1993年,北京新华出版社


Liao, Su-su

Professor and Chair

Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics, School of Basic Medicine, Peking Union Medical CollegePUMC& Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences CAMS.



Ph.D. (Epidemiology), Peking Union Medical College, 1991

M.D. School of Public Health, Beijing Medical University, 1986

Diploma. Nursing School Affiliated to Peking Union Medical College Hospital, 1977

Other Trainings

Post-Doctoral Training Fellow, Division of Public Health Biology & Epidemiology, School of Public Health, University of California, and Visiting Scholar, International Program at Center for AIDS Prevention Studies, University of California, Aug 2001 – Aug 2002

Visiting fellow, International Center for Research on Women, Washington DC, USA, Sep - Nov 2000

Visiting Scholar, International Program at Center for AIDS Prevention Studies, University of California, Jun - Sep 1996 & 2001 – 2002

Training for Trainers Workshop, sponsored by HIV & Development Program, UNDP, Malaysia, Apr 1994

Visiting Scholar, International Program at Center for AIDS Prevention Studies, University of California, Jul - Oct 1993

Languages & degree of proficiency


Chinese & English (fluent)


Membership of Professional Societies

Member, National Advisory Committee for HIV/AIDS of China Ministry of Health (1998-2010)

Member, Chinese Society of Medicine, Branch of Clinical Epidemiology.

Member of Council, Chinese Society of Preventive Medicine, Branch of Epidemiology

Member of Council, Chinese Association of STD/AIDS Prevention and Control



Contact information:


Tel: 86-10-69156971/ 69156973

Fax: 86-10-65225752

Email: [email protected]





Relevant professional experience

1991-2002: Lecturer, Associate professor, full professor of Epidemiology, School of Basic Medicine, Peking Union Medical College (PUMC) & Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (CAMS)

2002 - 2004, Professor & Vice Chair, Dept. of Epidemiology & Biostatistics, PUMC & CAMS

2004-Present,Professor & Chair, Dept. of Epidemiology & Biostatistics, PUMC & CAMS


Honors and Committees


1998-2010    Member, National Advisory Committee for HIV/AIDS of China Ministry of Health

Member of Council, Chinese Society of Preventive Medicine

Member, Chinese Society of Medicine, Branch of Clinical Epidemiology

Member of Council, Chinese Association of STD/AIDS Prevention


1999          National Award for Achievements in HIV/AIDS/STD Control in China awarded by four ministries jointly with the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Education, and Ministry of Broadcast, Film and Television.

1999           Award for Excellence in Profession of Medicine & Public Health by Beijing Municipal Bureau of Health

2004        Institutional Award for Excellence in Teaching, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, Peking Union Medical College & Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences.

2005 & 2010  Institutional Award for Excellence in Teaching, Peking Union Medical College.

2012       PUMC Award for Outstanding Professor by Peking Union Medical College

2012-2014      Honorary Adjunct Professor, the Jockey Club of Public Health and Primary Care, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

2013-      Member, Review Committee of National Scientific and Technology Awards

2013-2018      Member, Selection Committee of Scientific and Technology Award for Preventive Medicine, Chinese Society of Preventive Medicine


Current Research:


2012-2015,Co-investigator, HIV/AIDS Epidemiology in China: Assessment, Trends and Projection Model, Sub-project 14: Recent patterns of sexually transmission of HIV/AIDS among sex workers in rural areas. Sponsored by China Ministry of Sciences and Technology (Grant no. 2012ZX10001001, PI. Wang)  In this sub-project, we will collect and analyze behavioral and sero-surveillance data of 800 sex workers in 4 typical rural towns in Guangxi province, where sexually transmission of HIV has been dominant mode of HIV spreading. We will provide results for assessment of HIV epidemiology and projection in China.

Role: Co-PI for sub-project-14


2012-2014. PI. Acceptability of Female condoms among sex workers in rural communities, multi-sponsored by China Global Fund for HIV/AIDS (RCC, grant no. CSO-2012-研40), and product-donated by Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH) and by Kangdunbao Company for Polyurethane Technology Limited.

The general interest of the research is using qualitative and quantitative methodology to understand acceptability of women sex workers for female condoms with different designs (one pre-lubricated with inner and outer rings and the other without inner ring and pre-lubrication) in the context of male condom use, other preventive behaviors as well as different interventions (outreach by public health workers or by peer educators etc.) in different communities. The project is to produce a manual of behavioral intervention with two female condom products for use in rural sex industry. The project is conducted in two rural/small urban towns with different experiences of previous female condom intervention in Guangxi provinces with one baseline survey and two post-intervention surveys at each 6-month interval during one-year period. Female condom education and free products delivery are incorporated into local intervention activities by CDC workers or by peer educators. Before and during intervention, in-depth-interviews to female condom users and non-users are performed to explore the acceptability and its contextual factors.


2011-2013, Principal-investigator, “Reforming Public Health Education of PUMC in an Era of Chronic Diseases: Building Multi-Level Partnership Networks of PUMC & DQPAB”, sponsored by US based China Medical Board (CMB) .This project is to build up a multi-level partnership of PUMC and Daqing Petroleum Administration Bureau (DQPAB) community to establish a training and research field for medical and public health students in PUMC. Through practice in this training field, the students will learn collecting, analyzing and using population-based data to understand health and diseases issues at community level, and to develop a holistic view of disease prevention and care. The capacity of DQPAB health care workers at different levels will also be strengthened in terms of research, community health care delivery and data management and quality control etc.  This project will demonstrate the necessity of a longstanding base for training medical, nursing and public health students as well as conducting research on chronic disease prevention and intervention for PUMC, and a community based model of chronic disease prevention and care in DQPAB, and show the process and mechanisms to achieve this purpose. The project will be officially ended in 2014.


2011-2012, Co- Principle investigator, “Expanded Testing, Linkage and Treatment for HIV Prevention among MSM, in China” ,sponsored by U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases(NIAID, PI: Sten H. Vermund, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Grant No. 1R34AI091446-01A1). This is a one-year project to prepare a 4-year clinical trial on “Expanded Testing, Linkage and Treatment for HIV Prevention among MSM, in China”. This project will develop all documentation required for initiation of the RCT; complete all local, federal, and international human subjects and regulatory approvals necessary for implementation of the trial; identify study cities and prepare clinical trial sites; and negotiate with authorities of the Chinese government (China CDC) as to whether we can propose treatment of MSM with higher CD4+ cell count than is currently permitted under national guidelines. Currently the project was extended to 2015.



Recent Research (since 2009):


2007-2012, Co-Principal Investigator, “High-risk Establishments and Women’s HIV Prevention in Southern China”, Sponsored by US National Institute of Metal Health (PI: M.R.Weeks, Grant No.: R01 MH077541). This is a collaborative project of US-based Institute for Community Research and PUMC, which will develop and evaluate an intervention to promote use of female condoms for HIV/STIs prevention among women in sex-work establishments in 4 rural towns or mid-size cities in Hainan and Guangxi provinces.


2008-2010: Co-principle investigator, Sub-project-11 of “Analysis of Data of HIV/AIDS case reporting and sentinel surveillance, and International comparison”, in “HIV/AIDS Epidemiology in China: Trends and Prediction” (PI: Wang Ning, Center of HIV/STD Prevention and Control, China Center of Disease Prevention and Control), Sponsored by China Ministry of Technical and Sciences, (Grant No. 2008ZX10102). In this sub-project, we will do reanalysis of HIV/AIDS case reporting and sentinel surveillance data in recent 20 years, and describe and compare the characteristics and trend of HIV/AIDS in China with that of one or two selected Asian countries.


2007-2009, Principal Investigator, “HIV/STD knowledge, attitudes and behavior among Han and Li youths in Hainan province”, funded by China Gender Facility of UNIFEM (00040647-070315-R3-217). This is a study to compare HIV/STD knowledge, attitudes and behavior as well as mobility among ethnic Han and Li youths in 4 rural communities in Hainan province, and to explore the association of the KAB with mobility/migration, gender and traditional customs.


Publications: .(link to “Publications” above)

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Copyright 2009 版权所有:中国医学科学院基础医学研究所&北京协和医学院基础学院 流行病与卫生统计学系